
HBSS w/ Calcium w/ Magnesium w/o Sodium Bicarbonate w/ Phenol red

Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) is designed to maintain mammalian cells by providing a chemically defined, balanced salt environment that preserves the structural and physiological integrity of cells in vitro. Hanks’ salts are optimized for maintaining cells under ambient (non-CO2) atmospheric conditions.

This formulation contains calcium and magnesium but does not contain sodium bicarbonate.

Product Specifications:

Product name:
HBSS w/ Calcium w/ Magnesium w/o Sodium Bicarbonate w/ Phenol red
Product code: PM-B2091
Volume: 1 L / 10 L / 50 L
Sterility: Non-sterile
Storage temperature: Room temperature
State: Powder
Shelf Life: 48 months

Variants available:

Size: Cat Number:
1 L PM-B2091/1L
10 L PM-B2091/10L
50L PM-B2091/50L

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