
Medium 199 w/ Earle’s Mod. Salts w/ L-Glutamine w/ 1.25g/l Sodium Bicarbonate

Medium 199 was specifically designed for culturing non-transformed cells. It is extensively used in virology, vaccine production, and for in vitro culture of primary explants from mouse pancreatic epithelial tissue.

Medium 199, when formulated with Earles salts, includes L-Glutamine and 1.25g/L of sodium bicarbonate.

Biosera advises adding 10% fetal bovine serum to the medium.

Product Specifications:

Product name:
Medium 199 w/ Earle’s Mod. Salts w/ L-Glutamine w/ 1.25g/l Sodium Bicarbonate
Product categories:
Product code: LM-M1903
Volume: 500 ml
Sterility: Sterile-filtered
Storage temperature: +2/ +8°C
State: Liquid
Shelf Life: 18 months

Variants available:

Size: Cat Number:
500 ml LM-M1903/500

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