
Medium 199 w/ Earle’s Salts w/ Stable Glutamine w/ 25 mM HEPES

Medium 199 is specifically developed for the culture of non-transformed cells. It is extensively utilized in virology, vaccine production, and the in vitro culture of primary explants from mouse pancreatic epithelial tissue.

With a formulation that includes Earles salts, Medium 199 contains stable Glutamine and 25mM HEPES.

Biosera recommends adding 10% fetal bovine serum to this medium.

Product Specifications:

Product name:
Medium 199 w/ Earle’s Salts w/ Stable Glutamine w/ 25 mM HEPES
Product categories:
Product code: LM-M1909
Volume: 500 ml
Sterility: Sterile-filtered
Storage temperature: +2/ +8°C
State: Liquid
Shelf Life: 24 months

Variants available:

Size: Cat Number:
500 ml LM-M1909/500

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