
MEM w/ Hank’s Salts solution w/o L-Glutamine

Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) is a widely utilized cell culture medium. It has proven effective in sustaining a diverse range of both normal and transformed cells in culture.

In this version, Hanks’ salts have been used in place of Earles’ salts. Due to the significantly lower bicarbonate concentration, the medium exhibits a much lower buffering capacity.

Additionally, this formulation does not include L-Glutamine.

Product Specifications:

Product name:
MEM w/ Hank’s Salts solution w/o L-Glutamine
Product categories:
Product code: LM-H1146
Volume: 500 ml
Sterility: Sterile-filtered
Storage temperature: +2/ +8°C
State: Liquid
Shelf Life: 24 months

Variants available:

Size: Cat Number:
500 ml LM-H1146/500

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