
Glasgow MEM BHK 21 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Tryptose Phosphate Broth

GMEM was originally formulated for the culture of BHK 21 cells, modifying the formulation of BME by adding tryptose phosphate and doubling the concentration of amino acids and vitamins.

Biosera GMEM contains L-Glutamine and no tryptose phosphate broth.

Product Specifications:

Product name:
Glasgow MEM BHK 21 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Tryptose Phosphate Broth
Product categories:
Product code: LM-G2121
Volume: 500 ml
Sterility: Sterile-filtered
Storage temperature: +2/+8°C
State: Liquid
Shelf Life: 12 months

Variants available:

Size: Cat Number:
500 ml

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