
HBSS 10X w/o Calcium w/o Magnesium w/o Sodium Bicarbonate w/o Phenol Red

Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) is intended for the maintenance of mammalian cells, providing a chemically defined, balanced salt solution that preserves the structural and physiological integrity of cells in vitro. Hanks’ salts are designed for maintaining cells in ambient (non-CO2) atmospheric conditions.

HBSS without calcium and magnesium is often used to wash and resuspend cells during the dissociation process, as calcium and magnesium can inhibit enzymatic activity (such as trypsin).

This 10X-concentrated formulation contains no calcium, magnesium, sodium bicarbonate, or phenol red.

For special formulations, please contact us to create custom-made media according to your needs.

Product Specifications:

Product name:
HBSS 10X w/o Calcium w/o Magnesium w/o Sodium Bicarbonate w/o Phenol Red
Product code: XC-S2062
Volume: 500 ml
Sterility: Sterile-filtered
Storage temperature: Room temperature
State: Liquid
Shelf Life: 48 months

Variants available:

Size: Cat Number:
500 ml XC-S2062/500

Download documentation:

Safety Data Sheets are also available in other languages. Please contact us if needed.

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